The Fire Prevention and Investigation Bureau

Lt. Jason Murrell, Fire Marshal, and friends

The Fire Prevention and Investigation Bureau, formed by Chief Doss in 2007 with the approval of the Mayor and City Council, inspects existing buildings and new construction. Also of primary concern to the department is the need to educate citizens in prevention and safety. It is the second largest division of the Gardendale Fire and Rescue Service. Directed by Fire Marshal Jason Murrell under the direct supervision of Fire Chief Clint Doss, it consists of three sections: Public Education, Investigations, and Inspections.

The Mission of the Gardendale Fire Prevention Bureau is to provide efficient and effective education, inspection, and investigation services to reduce the loss of life and property and to improve the quality of life for our community.

Fire Prevention Bureau mission statement

Public education is especially vital because Gardendale Fire and Rescue’s coverage area includes four county operated schools (two elementary schools, one middle and one high school), two private schools (K-6 and K-12), and five daycare programs. The large number of children and students in this area make it imperative that the fire department establish a strong fire prevention program to benefit the community. The office has experienced a high success rate with a variety of age groups utilizing programs such as NFPA’s “Learn Not To Burn” and “Get Ready” programs. These programs address Fire Safety and the threat of natural disasters through curriculum used throughout the local school systems. These programs and others like them have increased interest and support for safety education in the local school systems.

In addition to schools, the City of Gardendale hosts several events throughout the year which provide a platform for presenting preventative education and information. The Gardendale Magnolia Festival was named in Alabama Tourism Department’s Top 10 List of Events in 2010 and 2012. The 2012 festival drew over 25,000 people and is North Jefferson County’s largest event. The fire department plays a role in safety/first-aid during this event. The daily interaction with visitors gives the department the opportunity to speak with people on a non-emergency basis and have one-on-one interaction with visitors from inside and outside the city. The City of Gardendale also sponsors one of the largest Christmas parades in Central Alabama with 200+ parade participants as well as 10,000 visitors. This parade allows the Gardendale Fire and Rescue Service to offer Santa a ride on our fire truck as we help the city kick off the Christmas Season.

If your organization would benefit from the services of the Fire Prevention and Investigation Bureau, contact Fire Marshal Jason Murrell for information.